Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ender's Game

 This book is the reason Orson Scott Card is a recognized name, it won him the Hugo and it is if nothing else, an
entertaining read.

 The story follows Ender a third child, and whose birth was only allowed because of his parents high IQ, as he is shipped off to battle school to be trained to fight the alien menace Earth faces.  Battle school is where the majority of the story transpires, with Ender having to learn to fend for himself, but also to lead his squad in battle.

 The book ends with a twist ending, which is probably what has made this novel somewhat enduring.  Card also wrote numerous sequels and related books, but none are as captivating as this first one.

 Ender is interesting to read about, and the book is quickly and deftly paced, I've encountered very few people who didn't enjoy this one.


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