Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Anathem is a novel by Neal Stepheson of Snow Crash fame.  Be warned, this novel bears little resemblance to Snow Crash.

 The story takes place on a fictional planet, with resemblances to a future Earth, but where technology has stalled and society is rather stagnant.

 Anathem is narrated by Erasmas a fra(like a junior priest) who lives in a Concent(convent focused on math/science, not religion).  He has lived in the Concent since he was a little boy, and is never allowed out.

 The general plot involves the discovery of an unidentified object in the sky, in the pursuit of this the story goes far beyond the walls of Erasmas Concent, with plenty of adventure and exploration, but I won't spoil any of that.

 One unfortunate aspect of this novel is that it starts very slow, the first few hundred pages drag, and it isn't until Erasmas leaves the Concent the things really start to become interesting.  The last stage of the book bears little resemblance to the first, and is very exciting.

 A damn good novel, only marred by the beginning.  Very long at almost 1000 pages.


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