Thursday, January 6, 2011

Night Angel Trilogy

The "Night Angel Trilogy" is the debut series for Brent Weeks, it is a fairly traditional fantasy story bent toward action.

 The central character is Kylar, yet another young street beggar-- scraping by to pay his guild dues.  Kylar encounters Durzo, a famous assassin in his city, and eventually becomes his apprentice.  Soon enough Kylar goes forth to slay countless foes.

+It doesn't hold back, no PG rating here.  Kylar is an assassin and he doesn't magically avoid killing the innocent.
+Action is well done, and plenty of it

-Writing isn't of the highest caliber, if Weeks could improve his prose some he would be one hell of an author.
-The ending for the series didn't work for me, too much voodoo and magical nonsense.
-Some of the secondary characters would go through some pretty dull character arcs(Logan in book 1 and book 3).


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